Promisance Server 3

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A note: None of this information has been updated for the newest features and abilities of this game. It is, in essence, a little outdated, but still is a good resource for beginning players. It is much less outdated than the Game Guide, however.

  • Tips
      • Scouting Strategically
        You get more land per turn scouting when you have a lower networth. If you take out a loan, and then scout, you will get more land. Repay the debt when you are done.
        In General
        This is important for someone new! Use up your first turns sending your scouts out to find more land so you can build on that land to make you stronger. Once you get bigger you will get most of your land by stealing it from others and will rarely need to send your scouts out anymore. Make sure you go to the Construct page after scouting for land!
    • Basic Help
      • The Most Profitable Use
        Scouting is your friend in your first few hundred turns, when the profits are high, and the land needed (because you can't attack). So, while it's useful, use it! The range of gain per turn is 81 acres (when you have a very low [about $1] networth) to 1 acre (when you have a high networth)

        When you get up to the higher networths, the land you get decreases...and decreases, until you only get one acre of land per turn, and then you stop clicking this button at all. This is, though, the most profitable use of turns, usually, each acre netting you NW$100 networth used, and NW$600 free.
  • Advanced Help
    • Equations
      • Land/Turn
      • Equation for Land Gained
        (1 / (CurrentLand * .00022 + .25)) * 20 * RacialBonus * LocationBonus